Opinion – Bill Straub: Despite Reagan example, if Biden stays in race let’s hope he’s right

2 days ago 1

It’s been almost 40 years since President Ronald Reagan, seeking a second term, ventured to Louisville to engage in a presidential debate with his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Walter Mondale.

And old Dutch got his clock cleaned.

Reagan was a sputtering, unfocused, bewildered mess during the 90-minute exchange at the Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts on Oct. 7, 1984, raising doubts that the 73-year-old actor retained the wherewithal and mental capacity to continue leading the nation.

A ton was written about Reagan’s perceived infirmities and the race, which had long tilted in Reagan’s favor, tightened as voters reconsidered re-electing a president who had obviously slowed on the draw.

The NKyTribune’s Washington columnist Bill Straub served 11 years as the Frankfort Bureau chief for The Kentucky Post. He also is the former White House/political correspondent for Scripps Howard News Service. A member of the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame, he currently resides in Silver Spring, Maryland, and writes frequently about the federal government and politics. Email him at williamgstraub@gmail.com

“The overall impression of Reagan is that he was oddly disoriented and confused...

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