Hottest day of the year impacts Little Rock school

3 months ago 7

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Tuesday was the hottest day of the year in Little Rock as the city got up to 102 degrees and it's not just baring down on people going to work, but also back in school.

The temperatures are forcing eStem East Village Elementary School to re-adjust when it comes time for recess.

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“The past four days have been sticky, very humid and pretty much a scorcher,” School Director April Manning said.

Manning says the first day of school was August 1, but they had to make changes because of the temperature.

“If we are at a heat index of 99, we already know it's moving up to 100 so we move it inside for recess,” Manning said. 

Manning says they try to let the kids have fun even with the rearrangement.

“They can't just run around and play like they would if they were outside on the playground. We try to have games and videos,” Manning said.

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She says they have over 600 students at the school a...

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