Mayor Jones signs bill for safer, more accessible St. Louis streets

3 months ago 3

ST. LOUIS -- In a landmark move for St. Louis, Mayor Tishaura Jones signed the complete streets bill Thursday, which she says is a step towards transforming our city’s streets into safer, more inclusive spaces for all.

Joined by AlderwomanAnne Schweitzer and other city officials, Mayor Jones emphasized the importance of making St. Louis’ transportation infrastructure people-friendly. The new legislation, sponsored by Schweitzer, aims to modernize the city’s streets to ensure that roads are accessible and welcoming, regardless of whether you’re walking, biking, driving or using public transit.

“What this bill does is hold the city accountable for achieving that goal. It does that by making the Complete Streets committee meetings public. Adding a member of the public to that committee. Having reviews of any project that is $500,000 or more to determine how it adheres to the Complete Streets Policy and making those reviews available to the public,” said Alderwoman Anne Schweitzer, City of Saint Louis Ward 1. 

The committee will meet quarterly, with sessions open to the public, allowing for community engagement and input.