JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. (KDVR) — The five areas that were evacuated for the Quarry Fire have now reopened and the fire has been contained. Residents are grateful, and new video obtained by FOX31 shows just how close it got to homes.
FOX31 spoke to Nancy Gardner, who lives in the White Deer Valley neighborhood.
Gardner said it seemed like the Quarry Fire would claim the home. Her husband left in the middle of the night.
"We didn't think we were coming back to a house. And it's a miracle. Nothing. Nothing was burned. Nothing was lost. We are just filled with gratitude," Gardner said.
On Thursday, the only sign a fire ever burned in the area were burn scars on the canyon's walls. Gardner will never forget the moment she was able to come back home.
"It was tearful because everything was fine. We were so filled with gratitude. Even cleaning my house today takes on a whole new appreciation," Gardner said.