NWS says San Diego is in the peak of marine layer season, but why?

1 year ago 28

SAN DIEGO -- If you've noticed an increase in low hanging clouds or lingering fog in San Diego County's coastal areas recently, there's a reason why.

The National Weather Service says the region is in the peak of marine layer season. The question is: what creates these hazy weather patterns in the spring?

The answer is as simple as this -- cold water.

Coastal fog contributes to what NWS calls ‘Gray-pril’

Air temperature normally decreases with height, according to weather officials. Due to the cold Pacific Ocean in the spring months, however, NWS says the air temperature in coastal areas increases with height instead.

NWS says this results in a temperature inversion. The air below that inversion is called the marine layer, which is cooled to the point at which clouds form, weather officials explained. NWS shared this image to explain the marine layer.

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